Posts Tagged ‘flying’

Jim's Next Adventure, Part II

February 8th, 2012 by Georgann Hall

When Colorado's Indiana Jones was recovering from recent back surgery ... his creative juices were flowing.  Surrounding himself with hundreds of photos, a tad of history, his California jump team surfaced. He's deep into creating a timeline, loaded with remarkable stories and adventure--some of it outrageous--that will be compiled in a new book. Watch for details to come as it progresses ...

Indiana Jones and His Latest Adventure

February 1st, 2012 by Georgann Hall

Many of Jim's fans knows that he's jumped thousands of times. One of the rewards is a back that gets pinned and sewn together -- sometimes multiple times. His latest adventure was not jumping from his favorite plane to his favorite spot...but to the OR for long over-due M&R. With a new back, a lot of therapy, Jim is up and running--not necessarily looking for his next jump ... but certainly for his next big adventure!